“Moses My servant is dead; now therefore arise, cross this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them, to the sons of Israel.” Joshua 1:2 Moses endured many victories and many hardships. Of the greatest of his experiences, was one that had eternal value. Moses was known as the servant of the Lord. Moses was born during a time that the Pharaoh of Egypt feared the increasing population of the sons of Israel. The Pharaoh was afraid that the Israelites would join together, fight against the Egyptians, and leave Egypt. After increasing the harsh labor of the Israelites, in an attempt to reduce the Israelite population, the king of Egypt ordered the Hebrew midwives to only allow the daughters of the women giving birth to live; the male babies were to be put to death. The midwives feared the Lord, did not listen to the king, and allowed the male babies to live. Pharaoh attempted once more to reduce the Israelite population and ordered all his people to cast every son born into the Nile, but every daughter could live. Moses, unnamed at the time, was placed in a wicker basket among the reeds by the bank of the Nile. Moses was spared and Pharaoh’s daughter sent her maid to retrieve the wicker basket. Moses’ sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter if she could call a Hebrew woman to nurse baby Moses. Moses’ biological mother nursed him and as he grew, he was brought to Pharaoh’s daughter. He then became her son and she named him Moses. Moses grew as a prince of Egypt until he fled to Midian after killing an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew (Exodus 2:15).
Moses experienced all that entails and affords the life of a prince of Egypt; yet at the end of his life, he was honored as, Moses the servant of the Lord. The Lord affectionately acknowledged Moses to Joshua as, “Moses, my servant…”. When we consider life’s temporal experiences, some great and some painful, a great privilege is to be known by God as His servant. Take the time to reflect upon what is most important to you and what is most important to God. As a child of God, you are also privileged to be His servant. He honors His children who store up their treasures in heaven and those who set their affection on things above (Matthew 6:19-24; Colossians 3:2).
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